Display Related Tricks:
1) The 1st line (head -1)sed q
2) The first 5 lines (head -5)
sed'5 q '
sed'1, 5! d '
3) The last line (tail -1)
sed-n '$ p'
sed '$! d "
4) The last 5 lines (tail -5)
sed-e: a-e '$ q, N, 6, $ D; ba'
5) The 2 last lines (tail -2)
sed '$! N; $! D'
6) Only lines matcha a reason or a regular expression
sed-n '/ pattern / p'
sed '/ regexp /! d'
7) Only lines that matcha not a reason or a regular expression
sed-n '/ pattern /! p'
sed '/ regexp / d'
8) The line preceding a pattern or a regular expression
sed-n '/ pattern / (g; 1! p;) h'
9) The line following a pattern or a regular expression
sed-n '/ regexp / (n, p;)'
Substitution Related Tricks:
10) Substitute "foo" with "bar" on each lineOnly the 1st occurrence
sed 's / foo / bar /'
11) For the 3rd case only
sed 's/foo/bar/3'
12) All occurrences
sed 's / foo / bar / g'
13) Just before the last occurrence
sed 's / \ (.* \) foo \ (.* foo \) / \ 1bar \ 2 /'
14) Only the last case
sed 's / \ (.* \) foo / \ 1bar /'
15) Substitute "foo" with "bar" only lines containing "plop"
sed '/ plop / s / foo / bar / g'
16) Substitute "foo" with "bar" except the lines containing "plop"
sed '/ plop /! s / foo / bar / g '
17) Replace "Foo" or "foo" with "bar" on each line
sed 's / [Ff] oo / bar / g'
18) Replace "blue" or "white" or "red" with "green"
sed 's / blue \ | blank \ | red / green / g'
Remove Related Tricks:
Removing spaces and tabs19) At the beginning of the line
sed 's / ^ [\ t] * / /
sed 's / ^ \ s * / /' # Using the parameter "\ s"
20) At end of line
sed 's / [\ t ]*$//'
21) At the beginning and end of line
sed 's / ^ [\ t ]*//; s / [\ t ]*$//'
Blank Line Related Tricks:
Removing blank lines
22) All empty lines
sed'/^$/ of
sed'/./! of
23) Only those at the top
sed'/./,$! of
sed-nr'/./,$ /(.*)/ s \ 1 / p '# thank you Adrien
24) Only those at end
sed-e: a-e '/ ^ \ n * $ / ($ d N; ba'-e ')'
Regular Intervals Related Tricks:
Eliminate a line at regular intervals
25) All lines pairs
sed'1 ~ 2d '
26) All the odd lines
sed'2 ~ 2d '
27) Every n lines from the line n
sed'3 ~ 2d '# 2 All lines from line 3
Miscellaneous Related Tricks:
Join lines28) Attach lines 2 by 2
sed '$! N s / \ n / /'
29) Attach the 3 lines by 3
sed '$! N s / \ n //;$! N s / \ n / /;'
30) If a line ends with a backslash (\), add the following line and replace the end of line (\ n) by a space
sed-e: a-e '/ \ \ $ / N s / \ \ \ n / /; ta'
31) If a line begins with an equal sign (=), add it to the previous line and replace the equal sign (=) with a space
sed-e: a-e '$! N s / \ n = / /; ta'-e 'P, D'
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